- 重大局面{じゅうだい きょくめん}に対処{たいしょ}するための能力開発{のうりょく かいはつ}を先送りにする
put off developing the faculty to deal with crisis 意味
- "put off calling" 意味
- "put off coming to terms with" 意味
- "put off dealing with the problems" 意味
- "put off debt disposal" 意味
- "put off deliberation until the next diet session on a bill" 意味
- "put off dinner till" 意味
- "put off dismissing" 意味
- "put off disposal of the bad loans" 意味
- "put off from port" 意味
- "put off debt disposal" 意味
- "put off deliberation until the next diet session on a bill" 意味
- "put off dinner till" 意味
- "put off dismissing" 意味